Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Final Sherlock Holmes Short Story Review!

Well, not exactly. Instead of reviewing the last eight Sherlock Holmes short stories for you, I decided that I'd rather hear what you think. A few of these last eight were completely absurd ("The Adventure of the Creeping Man" was definitely out there), while some were ingenious (I'm looking at you, "The Problem of Thor Bridge"), but they were all distinctly Holmesian. At this point, if you've been reading all of the Holmes reviews, you're either going to rush out and get your hands on the stories yourself, or you're not really interested. For those who plan on reading them, I'd love to hear your thoughts on the last eight stories:

"The Adventure of the Sussex Vampire"
"The Adventure of the Three Garridebs"
"The Problem of Thor Bridge"
"The Adventure of the Creeping Man"
"The Adventure of the Lion's Mane"
"The Adventure of the Veiled Lodger"
"The Adventure of Shoscombe Old Place"
"The Adventure of the Retired Colourman"

***Extra points for anyone who goes out and reads the two very short Sherlock Holmes parodies that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle published, "The Field Bazaar" and "How Watson Learned the Trick."***

I had an incredible time with this project. The stories were amazing, and it led me to go see a film that I might not have gone to see on my own. The movie Sherlock Holmes was a ton of fun for me, and not just because I've immersed myself in Holmes' world these past couple months. Guy Ritchie, the director, took plenty of liberties with the characters of Holmes, Watson, Adler, and Blackwood, but still made an enjoyable film. I loved when little pieces of Holmesian trivia came out in the movie, but didn't mind when they changed things completely. I don't usually review films here at the Daily Genoshan, so I won't go into detail really, but this one is highly recommended.

I hope my Sherlock Holmes experiment was as much fun for you as it was for me. Maybe it will turn a few readers on to the great detective's exploits. They're easily found online, and there are cheap versions of the complete works available at Barnes & Noble, as well. Make sure to tune in this Friday for a special 2009 review recap, and again next Friday for the first new fiction review of 2010! Until then, keep reading, Genoshans!

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